
What you can do with Simple SSH?

With Simple SSH you can tourn Ubuntu system in web hosting, If you got an VPS or VDS where is installed Ubuntu server or desctop you may use this app to controll the system.

Yes, you can do it by terminal if you are good in, but who is going remeber all of this codes?
So for this we create a great app what will do exactly what you do by terminal, but in a nice friendly interface, and it will save you a lot of time!

Free Pro
Installations app
Firewall Controll
File Manager
Data Bases
Data Bases users
DNS control x
Data Bases Tables Maneger x
Data Bases Tables content View/Edit/Remove x
One click Postfix/Dovecot/Dkim/Dmarc/Spf configuration x
Emails x
Add SSL Email server x
HOW TO RUN SIMPLESSH Check this link for Documentations
Cost Free $3.55
Download Desktop version | Server version Both Desktop/Server version

By download simplessh desktop/server free or pro you agree with our term and conditions

How to run simplessh

To run SimpleSSH you will need to install java on your window or mac or linux or VPS or VDS
Download and instal java from use java 21 or more https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk21-windows
Install java on ubuntu run this comand: sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre

It work on minimum version of JAVA 17 and up, recomended java 21

Enter in your browser: http://localhost:9211/
First start the login and password will be: admin
LOGIN: admin